Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"You Say What?!" - Too Long!

I was so excited when I heard there was going to be a Pirates of the Caribbean movie!!!!! I saw it in the theaters and couldn't wait to buy it on DVD! I got it as soon as it came out and I've watched it soooooo many times, I can't even begin to guess the actual number. There is one character in the movie that I think is hilarious! I don't know his name but he is a big black man! I quote two of his lines all the time. Me and my sister laugh at this. The one line is "You brought us the wrong person!" I like to say it like he does. It makes me laugh. But I never find myself needing to say that in an everyday situation. But the one quote I do say a lot (just like he says it) is this one:

Saturday, February 18, 2012

"You Say What?!" - TT

LinkRecently I have been noticing when I say certain words or phrases, I'm saying them the way I have heard them over and over in a movie, or tv show, or whoever I was around. Our minds pick up on things so easily and sometimes we don't realize how much it's embedded in our brains. I am going to do a post for every one that I come across. I already have a few in mind but I am going to start with this one since it's my nickname. "TT"

I love the show Reno 911. I remember the first time I saw it. We were at Daniel's house and he had it on his Tivo. We started watching it and I was so confused! I asked Kim and Jesse if it was real!?! I didn't understand it! But I grew to love it! Well, when I was pregnant I was anemic and needed to rest a lot. I got board real quick and started watching shows on Netflix. Reno 911 was one of them. I watched all 6 seasons and have recently stared it over again. Neicy Nash plays a character named TT. We always laugh cause that's my nickname. But when the other cops are chasing her, they say "TT" repeatedly. So whenever someone calls me "TT", I always say it back like they do in the show. So here is a clip from Reno 911 where they are chasing her and calling her TT.

I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Things are moving along. I will spare you the gruesome details and just say I'm starting to get some painful contractions that are starting at the top of my uterus and working the way down. I also felt it move through my legs last night. It's slow going but at least it's going!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


So I have been having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions all yesterday and today! Come on baby William!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Finally! Everything is ready for William to come! Whether I am ready to birth a child or not, my car, my bedroom and his nursery are ready for him. I have been working really hard for this day to come. To have everything ready and just wait and "relax" for him to come.

His car seat is ready!

His bassinet in our bedroom. My bag for the hospital and a backpack for William.

And this is his nursery!!!!!! I took lots of pictures!!!!

So now it's time to wait..........................
And wait.................

And wait........

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Baby Thoughts

William’s nursery is coming along. I am slowly getting everything I need. It’s crazy to think that there will be a baby soon. Sometimes I sit in his room and just look at everything and think. One day SOON there will be a little baby boy in this room. I have been working on organizing the things I have and getting it ready for the rest of the things I need. There are still a lot of things I need. But I do enjoy organizing and planning things out. I like to have things ready ahead of time.

I have also been thinking a lot about the whole birthing process. I have to make a birth plan. I read a lot so I can know what to expect. Of course I can’t know everything. But I like to know as much as possible. My Dr. told me to sign up for some classes. I don’t know if I’m going to. For now I am going to watch all the videos on the Kaiser site.

I am also thinking about making a music playlist on my phone to listen to when I go into labor. They say it can help calm you and make the pain a little less. Whatever helps! Of course it will be Disney music so I can imagine that I’m at Disneyland! I don’t know if it will work, but I’m going to give it a try.

The third trimester is not the easiest. I don’t really have much to complain about, but some things are just annoying! I thought these last three months would fly by, but I’m beginning to think it is going to be so slow because I’m getting more uncomfortable!

Well, that’s all for now!