Thursday, October 29, 2009

My, How Time Flies

I still can't believe that it is already almost November. In just 15 days Jesse and I leave for your one year anniversary trip. Wow. It has been such a good year. God has been good to us.
Over the last 11 months of my newly married life people have been asking me the same question. "How's married life?" At first I was like, "Great" and didn't think much of it. But after the tenth time it got me thinking. I'm not saying it hasn't been great, because it has. But really, what did they want me to say, "It's not what I thought it would be at all". Then I got to thinking, for some people marriage changes their lives in a way they didn't think it would. But for me it just made my life better. Jesse and I have followed God's leading in our lives all the way up to the wedding. So how could the first year of married life be bad? Well, it's been great and I am so excited to see what God had in store for us next year!

Monday, September 7, 2009


Whew, am I tired. I had a super fun, super LONG weekend. I thank God for all my friends. Four days of games, swimming, movies. Jesse and I had an awesome weekend hanging out with everyone. Now it's time to get back into the routine of a regular week.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I Win!

Yep! I finally got my mom's sewing machine set up and figured out how to use it! I already have a long list of things to make for people. So I better get started...........

Friday, August 28, 2009


Sorry, but I needed to change my email address so I don't have to sign in to my old address whenever I want to blog.

Thanks for understanding!