Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 64

So today was day 64 of my weight-loss journey. It is also day 11 of limiting our TV watching.

I know it has been awhile since my last post, and a lot has happened since then. I have lost 25 lbs total since January 10th; one clothing size. The awesome thing is that my attitude about food has completely changed! I know the things I have learned I will do the rest of my life.

OK, so limiting TV watching to just three shows a week was hard at first. I think Jesse and I put more emotionally into it then we thought. It became something we did together to relax from a busy day, push unwanted thoughts out of our minds, distract us from what was going on in our lives. Once we stopped, we noticed we didn't have a way to unwind and took out our frustrations on each other. This may sound like I am saying TV is good for us, but that would be wrong. I'm also not saying that TV is bad, just that all things should be done in moderation.
So we are making a list of all the things we need to do with our newly discovered "free time". We went through a book shelf in Jesse's office and got rid of the books we didn't need anymore. Today we went through our bedroom closet and got rid of all our clothes that don't fit us anymore. I got my shoes rack back up and put my shoes in order. It just feels so good now. I love it when things are neat and orderly.
So we are excited to see what we can get done with all our new free time!