Tuesday, June 28, 2011

91 Days!

Wow! Only three more months! 91 days! One more week and I will be in my third trimester! I can’t believe how fast this is going by! It still seems unreal. Sometimes I go sit in William’s nursery and just think. I wonder what it will be like when he is born and sleeping in my arms. I think about all the changes that come with having a baby. Then I start thinking about actually having a baby, the birth. It scares me a little. But I know God is with me and will be with me through this whole process.
THREE MONTHS LEFT! I can’t believe it! But I can’t wait to meet the little guy God is knitting together in MY womb! Crazy!

Silly pregnancy dream last night:
We were at church for a Sunday service and it was packed. I was sitting in the back with Carla, and it was time to go up and start playing. Everyone got on stage fast and started playing. I waddled my way to the stage barely able to stand up straight. The weight of my belly had me off balance. I finally made it to the stage and got my bass strap on and went to start playing when my song sheets were too far away and on a weird stand I had never seen before. I went to pick up the paper so I could read the chords and it fell on the ground. (At this point I’m freaking out ‘cause everyone is playing and singing and I am fumbling around with paper being a distraction.) So I decide to bend over to get the paper and lost my balance and fell.
I just remember how off balance I felt the whole dream!
And in all my church dreams, something is wrong with my bass or the song sheets and I can’t play. Everyone else is playing but for some reason or another I just stand up there trying to figure out what to do without being too much of a distraction.

Anyways, William James Adams will be here soon!