Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"You Say What?!" - Too Long!

I was so excited when I heard there was going to be a Pirates of the Caribbean movie!!!!! I saw it in the theaters and couldn't wait to buy it on DVD! I got it as soon as it came out and I've watched it soooooo many times, I can't even begin to guess the actual number. There is one character in the movie that I think is hilarious! I don't know his name but he is a big black man! I quote two of his lines all the time. Me and my sister laugh at this. The one line is "You brought us the wrong person!" I like to say it like he does. It makes me laugh. But I never find myself needing to say that in an everyday situation. But the one quote I do say a lot (just like he says it) is this one:

Saturday, February 18, 2012

"You Say What?!" - TT

LinkRecently I have been noticing when I say certain words or phrases, I'm saying them the way I have heard them over and over in a movie, or tv show, or whoever I was around. Our minds pick up on things so easily and sometimes we don't realize how much it's embedded in our brains. I am going to do a post for every one that I come across. I already have a few in mind but I am going to start with this one since it's my nickname. "TT"

I love the show Reno 911. I remember the first time I saw it. We were at Daniel's house and he had it on his Tivo. We started watching it and I was so confused! I asked Kim and Jesse if it was real!?! I didn't understand it! But I grew to love it! Well, when I was pregnant I was anemic and needed to rest a lot. I got board real quick and started watching shows on Netflix. Reno 911 was one of them. I watched all 6 seasons and have recently stared it over again. Neicy Nash plays a character named TT. We always laugh cause that's my nickname. But when the other cops are chasing her, they say "TT" repeatedly. So whenever someone calls me "TT", I always say it back like they do in the show. So here is a clip from Reno 911 where they are chasing her and calling her TT.

I hope you enjoy!