Monday, December 27, 2010

2010 – What a year!

To close out 2010, I decided to write about 10 moments that happened to me this year that have marked my life. These things have left such an impression on me that I can remember the exact day and probably time that all these things happened.

This would be really long if I did it all in one post so I am going to do a post a day for the rest of the week with two of my ten moments.

1. January 2nd – Glasses
After getting dizzy a lot and having headaches when reading, Jesse told me I should get my eyes checked. I thought, wow this could be the reason for all my dizziness and headaches. I just want them to stop. I was feeling so sick I told Jesse “we need to go to Lens Crafters today in case I do need glasses so I can get them right away”. I was sitting in the chair doing the tests and my left eye was bad. I teared up. I used to be so proud of my “perfect” vision. Sitting there I knew what was coming……….. The doctor said I had a stigmatism in my left eye and needed glasses. My world shattered at that moment. But I went and found glasses I liked, and here I am with my new glasses!

2. January 11th – Prism
Today Jesse dragged me to the church for some weight loss meeting I didn’t know anything about. He told me “we are doing this!” I was like “I don’t know anything about this”. So I sat through the meeting and listened to everything. I decided that day I was going to do the “impossible” and follow this program and maybe lose weight. Well I haven’t reached my goal weigh yet, but I am succeeding at losing weight for the first time in my life! Here is my before picture!


  1. I'm on the edge of my seat and you're going to make me wait to hear more! Argh...

    This is a great idea! I'm excited to read about your 10 moments.



  2. Great idea with the moments! I wish I'd thought of that! I can't wait to hear the rest :D
