Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 8

Well today is day 8 of my journey through the Prism weight loss program. It was a pretty good week. Today Jesse is sick so I am trying to not get sick. I have been washing my hands like crazy and trying not to breathe in when I go to the bedroom to give him something. My emotions are kinda crazy today. I also am tired but want to do something but too tired to do anything. So I thought I would blog.
I thought went I started my new diet I would go through withdrawals. I didn't but now I am dealing with my blood sugar going too low more than once a day. Not eating sugar or white flour is easier then I thought. Jesse and I are making lots of good meals and are satisfied. It's easy when we are home. I don't have to feel "left out". It's stupid but this last week I realized I am a social eater. I like to be in with what other are eating. It was hard for me at first. Even on Sunday morning when everyone was eating the mini cheesecakes.
This is not easy to talk about. I usually keep all this inside. But I guess that's how I got to this place. I don't like to be different. I don't like to be mocked or made fun of. All the jokes about hurt at first. But God showed me something this week and became so real in my life. I don't think I could have learned it a better way. Steven talked about it on Sunday. That we have to look different than the world. We have to stand out.
God told me loud and clear. I have be OK with standing out and being different. If I'm not, something is wrong. I can't look like the world. I have to look like Jesus. I shouldn't be comfortable and trying to fit in with everyone.
So in spite of all that has gone on this week, I have never felt this good about myself. EVER.
Now lets see if I have the courage to post this...........................

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