Thursday, September 29, 2011


Things are moving along. I will spare you the gruesome details and just say I'm starting to get some painful contractions that are starting at the top of my uterus and working the way down. I also felt it move through my legs last night. It's slow going but at least it's going!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


So I have been having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions all yesterday and today! Come on baby William!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Finally! Everything is ready for William to come! Whether I am ready to birth a child or not, my car, my bedroom and his nursery are ready for him. I have been working really hard for this day to come. To have everything ready and just wait and "relax" for him to come.

His car seat is ready!

His bassinet in our bedroom. My bag for the hospital and a backpack for William.

And this is his nursery!!!!!! I took lots of pictures!!!!

So now it's time to wait..........................
And wait.................

And wait........