Friday, February 25, 2011

There's Really a Baby!

Wow! I saw my baby! It's real! There's a baby growing inside of me! It's amazing how different I feel now that I've seen the work God is doing in my womb. Before, you think, yeah I'm pregnant. But once you see the baby moving and see the heart beating it all becomes so real. And you forget about all the anxiety you had the week leading up to that appointment. All of the questions you asked your friends about the dreaded first OB appointment. All of a sudden, you don't care anymore what had to be done to see the tiny baby moving around. "I was naked?!?!?!?" And everyone can tell you all sorts of things that will happen and how it will be. But afterward, it wasn't that bad, was it? So here is the creation God is kniting together in my womb.....

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