Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Moments 3 and 4

3. March 13th – LOST Party

For my Birthday this year I decided to have a LOST party. It was awesome! Everyone came as a character.

Tanya and Noah made to most awesomest LOST cake EVER!!!

Kim and Tanya did a lot of the food.

Carla helped me with decorations.

Tanya and Noah helped me come up with the LOST version of the game Werewolves of Millers Hollow.

This was my first Birthday party ever that was so involved. It was so much fun. BEST BIRTHDAY PARTY EVER!!!!!

4. March 31st – Noah leaves / Grandpa Passes

Today was a hard day. Kim, Brynn and I went to Tanya’s house to watch her kids while she took Noah to the airport to leave for Saudi Arabia. It was Wednesday, so Tanya said we could have our worship planning meeting at her house. Steven and Dave came for the meeting. We got there early and watched Noah play with the kids and say goodbye. We cried a little and watched him leave. Then we got our meeting started. I was starting to feel a little better. Then Steven’s phone rang. It was my dad. I don’t know why he answered it, but he did. When he got off the phone and looked at Kim and me, my stomach went in a knot. I knew what he was going to say. Then, he said it. “Your grandpa passed away this morning.” My heart sunk. The rest of the day was a blur.

Here is me and my grandpa in his backyard. I LOVED playing at Grandma and Grandpa's house. You can see the grapes he grew in this picture. He would let us pick some off the vine and wash them with the hose and eat them! He built the swing set in this picture for his grand kids. He loved having us over and playing with us.

Grandpa's birthday was two days after mine, so he would always be at my parties and we would share the cake.

I miss my grandpa and think of him