Friday, December 31, 2010

Moments 9 and 10

9. November 18th - Grandma’s pie recipe

Ever since I had my first bite of Jesse’s Grandma’s pie, I wanted the recipe. Jesse will be the first to tell you that it won 2nd place in the LA county fair. It’s that good. Well over the past two years we have visited Grandma three times. She always makes up a pie when we stay with her. On our one year anniversary we stayed with her and she gave me one of her glass pie dishes. I was so excited! I was hoping she would also give me her pie recipe. But she didn’t. I decided that day I wasn’t going to give up on my dream of carrying on Grandma’s pie legacy. When November came this year we decided to go to Disneyland and stay with Grandma. That hope inside me leaped! Will I get the pie recipe this time? One of the days we were there Grandma said she would give me her recipe before we left! I was so excited! Well, it was the last day of our trip. We were packed and ready to go, just visiting a while before we headed out. We were talking and Jesse said, “So Grandma, you said you would give Te your pie recipe before we leave”. She was so cute. She told me where to find it in her kitchen and I want and got her pile of recipes and she found the one for her pie. When she handed it to me, Handel's Messiah Hallelujah Chorus was singing loud in my head!!!!!!

10. December 14th – Gray hair?!?!?!?!

What!?!?!?!? That’s right. I found my first gray hair! So you tell me, when did you find yours?

Well that was my year. God really stretched me and taught me life lessons. Life is full of ups and downs but at children of God we have this scripture to meditate on.

Romans 8:28 “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” NASV


  1. I had my first gray hair in high school. I got a big increase the year I studied for the CPA exam. I found they came in handy when I was working as an auditor, but looked too young to know what I as doing. I said I might stop coloring my hair after the girls were married. Then I said I might stop when I became a grandmother. Not happening!

  2. I found my first one when I was 20! I don't know how many there are now, but if I see one I will still pull it out!

  3. ...I gotta try that pie sometime! I've heard about it for over a year! :D

    I started going bald in high school. I've got you beat! :D

    Great posts, Tiffany! It's been fun reading them :D
