Thursday, September 29, 2011


Things are moving along. I will spare you the gruesome details and just say I'm starting to get some painful contractions that are starting at the top of my uterus and working the way down. I also felt it move through my legs last night. It's slow going but at least it's going!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


So I have been having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions all yesterday and today! Come on baby William!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Finally! Everything is ready for William to come! Whether I am ready to birth a child or not, my car, my bedroom and his nursery are ready for him. I have been working really hard for this day to come. To have everything ready and just wait and "relax" for him to come.

His car seat is ready!

His bassinet in our bedroom. My bag for the hospital and a backpack for William.

And this is his nursery!!!!!! I took lots of pictures!!!!

So now it's time to wait..........................
And wait.................

And wait........

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Baby Thoughts

William’s nursery is coming along. I am slowly getting everything I need. It’s crazy to think that there will be a baby soon. Sometimes I sit in his room and just look at everything and think. One day SOON there will be a little baby boy in this room. I have been working on organizing the things I have and getting it ready for the rest of the things I need. There are still a lot of things I need. But I do enjoy organizing and planning things out. I like to have things ready ahead of time.

I have also been thinking a lot about the whole birthing process. I have to make a birth plan. I read a lot so I can know what to expect. Of course I can’t know everything. But I like to know as much as possible. My Dr. told me to sign up for some classes. I don’t know if I’m going to. For now I am going to watch all the videos on the Kaiser site.

I am also thinking about making a music playlist on my phone to listen to when I go into labor. They say it can help calm you and make the pain a little less. Whatever helps! Of course it will be Disney music so I can imagine that I’m at Disneyland! I don’t know if it will work, but I’m going to give it a try.

The third trimester is not the easiest. I don’t really have much to complain about, but some things are just annoying! I thought these last three months would fly by, but I’m beginning to think it is going to be so slow because I’m getting more uncomfortable!

Well, that’s all for now!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

91 Days!

Wow! Only three more months! 91 days! One more week and I will be in my third trimester! I can’t believe how fast this is going by! It still seems unreal. Sometimes I go sit in William’s nursery and just think. I wonder what it will be like when he is born and sleeping in my arms. I think about all the changes that come with having a baby. Then I start thinking about actually having a baby, the birth. It scares me a little. But I know God is with me and will be with me through this whole process.
THREE MONTHS LEFT! I can’t believe it! But I can’t wait to meet the little guy God is knitting together in MY womb! Crazy!

Silly pregnancy dream last night:
We were at church for a Sunday service and it was packed. I was sitting in the back with Carla, and it was time to go up and start playing. Everyone got on stage fast and started playing. I waddled my way to the stage barely able to stand up straight. The weight of my belly had me off balance. I finally made it to the stage and got my bass strap on and went to start playing when my song sheets were too far away and on a weird stand I had never seen before. I went to pick up the paper so I could read the chords and it fell on the ground. (At this point I’m freaking out ‘cause everyone is playing and singing and I am fumbling around with paper being a distraction.) So I decide to bend over to get the paper and lost my balance and fell.
I just remember how off balance I felt the whole dream!
And in all my church dreams, something is wrong with my bass or the song sheets and I can’t play. Everyone else is playing but for some reason or another I just stand up there trying to figure out what to do without being too much of a distraction.

Anyways, William James Adams will be here soon!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Tribute to Cleo

So our fish Cleo died.

We named "her" Cleo because she looked like the fish in Pinocchio. (That also makes it a "her")

She was our baby for about a year. That's pretty great for a fish right?!?!?!

What's worse is we don't have a single picture of her. Nope, not one! So I found a picture of the kind of fish she was.

I didn't cry or anything. But she was fun to have around. The kids loved to look in the tank and find her. She would stay in her little barrel thing we put in the tank. She didn't swim around like you would think a fish would.

So we are going to take a brake from fish for awhile.

Friday, April 29, 2011


The day we found out it was William that was kicking and punching me, we went home and worked on his room. Jesse took all his computer stuff out and moved his office to the “dining” room. I cleaned out our book shelf in the room and packed all the books away and found a spot in the closet for them, throwing stuff away and getting a pile for the Hope Chest. I got all the spider webs off the walls and vacuumed the carpet. I got all the edges and baseboards. I brought in all the baby’s stuff and sorted it all out nicely.

I have been keeping the kitchen clean. Putting the dishes in the dishwasher, wiping all the counters (the past few weeks the dishes have been piling up till we were out!).

Today I cleaned out the entire hall closet. Took everything out, throwing stuff away and putting more stuff in our Hope Chest pile, cleaned the shelves, vacuumed the carpet and edges and baseboards. Organized everything properly! It looks great! Then I moved all our photo albums into the closet off the bookshelf in our living room so we could get rid of that shelf too.

This last week all I see are messes and how I can clean them. After doing the closet today and looking at how wonderful it looks and feels, I started thinking. I have been thinking about cleaning a lot! And I have all sorts of other projects in my head that I could do to clean and organize and get rid of stuff. So as I’m looking at the closet pondering all this, I think, “wow, I think I’m nesting!”

So I looked up nesting online to see if I was, or if I’m just crazy. I certainly am, (nesting that is!) and I’m going to take advantage of it! I just hope I don’t get as crazy as some women do! Like throwing perfectly good things away just to get “new, clean” things. Or taking off door knobs to clean the screws. What!?!?!?

So my question to you is, what is your nesting story?

Friday, February 25, 2011

There's Really a Baby!

Wow! I saw my baby! It's real! There's a baby growing inside of me! It's amazing how different I feel now that I've seen the work God is doing in my womb. Before, you think, yeah I'm pregnant. But once you see the baby moving and see the heart beating it all becomes so real. And you forget about all the anxiety you had the week leading up to that appointment. All of the questions you asked your friends about the dreaded first OB appointment. All of a sudden, you don't care anymore what had to be done to see the tiny baby moving around. "I was naked?!?!?!?" And everyone can tell you all sorts of things that will happen and how it will be. But afterward, it wasn't that bad, was it? So here is the creation God is kniting together in my womb.....

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

February 12 - Puzzle Fun

Day 30: Well I made it through the first month! Yippee!!

Yesterday we when to the Hope Chest and I found this awesome puzzle! (Yeah, I'm a dork and still do puzzles and color!!!!!!)

Friday, February 11, 2011

February 11 - Don't Cry Over Spilt Flour

Day 29: Today Brynn called me and said she spilled some flour and wanted to know if I wanted to take pictures of it. I thought "what a great idea".

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Quick Glance

Day 26: I saw this the other day. I glanced into the garbage at church and thought a kid colored this picture as a storm trooper.

Monday, February 7, 2011

My Girl Maggie

Day 25: Yesterday at church Maggie gave me a card she made. It was so sweet. This is how much Maggie knows me. She made it with a BLUE piece of paper (my favorite color). She put a TURTLE on the front (my favorite animal). She is so sweet. She and I have been pals since she moved her three years ago. She was a flower girl in my wedding. She is the sweetest girl. When I read this card it made me tear up. I LOVE YOU MAGGIE!!!

One the inside she wrote:

I bet you are going to be a great mommy!! I am so happy for you and Mr. Jesse. You are going to need this! (she drew a picture of a bottle).

On the back she wrote:

Love, Maggie
9 moor muts of vedo games. (9 more months of video games).

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Shadow 2

Day 24: I'm tired today so this is a picture I took last week.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Finishing Things

Day 23: Today I am finally going to finish my wedding scrapbook. I thought it would be a good idea since I will be having a baby by the end of the year. But the point is, I've been married for two years and two months and still didn't have my wedding scrapbook done. So now it's time to finish things!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Homemade Goodness

Day 22: Lately I have been craving pizza. I love to make pizza so I decided to make some for dinner tonight. I tried a new recipe for the crust using whole wheat flour. It came out great!!! (This is a day late because I couldn't upload the picture yesterday. I finally figured out that it was too big.)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Raw or Roasted?

Day 21: Yesterday Jesse came home with Almonds a client gave him. Now I don't really like Almonds so I thought it was cool but I probably wouldn't eat many of them. So I ate one. And I realized that I do like almonds. I like raw almonds. Not roasted like you get at the store. Eating that almond brought back all the memories of my grandparents. They used to keep raw almonds in a bowl or jar on the counter. Sometimes they needed to be shelled. I used to love that. So yesterday I thought I hated almonds but realized I just like them one way! How do you like almonds? Or do you hate them?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

In the Garden

Day 19: This is a picture I took at my Aunt Pat's house over Christmas.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Day 17: Coffee. I love coffee. It was my turn today at church to make coffee. I love everything about coffee. The smell, taste, the warm liquid going down my throat. But most of all I love making coffee for people. Knowing that I helped someone get their delicious "fix" for the day. I know that people rely on their coffee to start their day. So here I am making coffee!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Grandma's Recipe

Day 16: Today I made my Grandma's Deviled Eggs. I grew up loving them and used to make them all the time with my mom. The best part is that I have her egg dish to share them on.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Bear Bear

Day 15: Months ago Owen gave me a most precious gift, "Bear Bear". About a year ago he lost his "Bear Bear" and Kim found a new one and bought it for him. Well like all things of course they found the other one not long after getting the new one. So he would carry around both and I would snuggle with him and his two "Bear Bears". One day he told me I could take one home for a while. It was the sweetest thing I ever heard him say to be (beside "I love you TeTe"). So I gladly took one to take care of for awhile.

Well today he asked for his Bear Bear back :(

Thursday, January 27, 2011

High Flying

Day 14: For the past few days I've wanted to take some pictures of movement. So I thought about the kids. I actually had four really good ones but had to pick one.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dizzying Days

Day 13: Today I have been a little dizzy and light headed (thanks baby Adams!). So it gave me an idea to try something new with my camera. The outcome:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Foggy Morning in the Park

Day 12: The other morning I passed by a park and noticed how beautiful it was in the morning fog.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Pregnancy Essentials

Day 11: I have been having indigestion so today Jesse and I went to Target to get prenatal vitamins and tums. It still doesn't seem real. I have to keep telling myself I'm pregnant! Anyways, for now while I don't have morning sickness, these are my pregnancy essentials!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

Two Blue Lines

Today we found out I'm pregnant!!!!!!!!! What a great surprise!!!!!!!!!

Brynn gave me the book "What to Expect When You Are Expecting". I can't wait to read it!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 4

Today I have been stuck at home with a cold. I texted Larrissa and told her I wouldn't be able to go to her birthday party. So she brought me the second book in a series I am reading! On her Birthday! Thanks Larrissa!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 2

Today Jesse and I went thrift store shopping. I am always on the lookout for something "vintage" from my childhood. I found this awesome Little Mermaid twin bed sheet.

Best dream ever?

So I had a funny dream last night!

We were at church and the whole sanctuary and stage had new food flooring. It was a Sunday morning service and there weren't many people there. We were having church and all I remember was Steven explaining how to play werewolves. Then we were playing it! It was kinda a mix between werewolves and the mystery dinner cause no one knew who the werewolves were. I remember Steven in the middle aisle with some prop that was "used by a werewolf last night". Then someone held up a knife that was used to "kill" someone. Then Jesse's cousin Christen predicted who the three werewolves were: her, Carla and someone else. I don't remember who the third person was. But I remember looking over at Carla suspiciously. Then it was the end of the game and some people left and we were trying to figure out who the werewolves were.

Anyways, I woke up laughing! Had to share :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

A picture a day for 365 days

So Jesse found this cool blog of a professional photography and I have been reading her blogs. On January 1st she posted this blog about taking a picture a day to become a better photographer.

I read that and thought "That's an awesome idea. But everyday. I don't know if I want to take a picture everyday and then post it in my blog."

Well I noticed on Facebook my friend Henry was posting a picture everyday. We ran into him today and talked about it.

I decided I want to give it a shot. So here is a picture for Day 1.